Nutrition, My Dih-sizh-uhn, Other

Natural Detox Tea for Liver Support and Overall Health

The Liver is a powerful workhorse and is responsible for detoxifying, filtering, nourishing, restoring and storing blood as well as a myriad of other complex and essential functions. Therefore to be at our best we must have a healthy well functioning liver.  Luckily there are many natural plants and herbs that can help cleanse and support the liver naturally, by stimulating its natural ability to expel toxic waste from the body. Peter uses these in his Detox Tea recipe which you will find below.

For instance, Dandelion root has been used by many cultures throughout the ages to cleanse and support the liver and stimulate the flow of bile. It is often recommended for use by Naturopaths and Herbalists  to their patients who are dealing with liver disorders and other health issues.

Chaga is a type of mushroom that grows on birch trees in colder climates across the Northern Hemisphere and is dried and used as a tea.  Chaga has has the  ability to stimulate the production of bile in the liver is not only beneficial for digestive function, but for liver health as well. Bile helps the liver to flush out toxins filtered from the bloodstream, preventing them from accumulating in the liver and causing damage to the surrounding tissue. To read more about the many benefits of Chaga, click here

Camomile has also has been reported to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, so it will also help to support the overall health of the body.

Peter’s Detox Tea Recipe

2 liters of water

2 Tablespoons dried and finely ground Chaga

2 Tablespoons Dandelion Root

2 Tablespoons dried Camomile

2 cloves chopped garlic

Chopped fresh ginger to taste

2 cinnamon bark sticks

Boil for 35 to 40 minutes and then strain, add honey to taste and enjoy! As Peter says… To your Health 🙂


From Peter…
My detox tea to help support the liver and body. Simple and easy.#liverdetox, #chagamushroom, #dandelionroot, #thetruthaboutcancer #squareone

You can read more about Peter’s Healing Journey by clicking here

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