Nouveaux Produits

    Golden Monkey Extracts – Mélange pour Boisson Thé Glacé 150mg

    $14.95 $11.96
    Présentation du mélange pour boisson thé glacé Golden Monkey 150mg, une manière rafraîchissante et tonifiante de profiter de votre cannabis. Ce mélange pour boisson combine la saveur classique et adorée du thé glacé avec une dose précise de 150mg de THC, offrant une méthode discrète et agréable de consommation de THC.

    Golden Monkey Extracts – Bonbons Gélifiés 240mg

    Découvrez la gamme délicieuse des gommes THC de Golden Monkey Extracts, chacune conçue pour offrir une expérience unique et savoureuse. Cette sélection comprend les gommes THC Lemon Cola, les gouttes acidulées à la pêche et les pastèques acidulées, toutes infusées avec une dose précise de 240mg de THC par paquet, garantissant une expérience cohérente et agréable à chaque portion.

    Grounded High Dose Bears – Bonbons Gélifiés Myrtille 500mg

    $19.95 $15.96
    Savourez le goût délicieux des Grounded Bears – Myrtille. Chaque bonbon gélifié est infusé avec la saveur vibrante et succulente des myrtilles à l'apogée de leur maturité, offrant une expérience gustative riche et juteuse qui imite l'essence du fruit frais.

    Grounded High Dose Bears – Pack Variété Bonbons Gélifiés 500mg

    $19.95 $15.96
    Cette sélection présente une gamme variée de saveurs fruitées, allant des notes profondes et sucrées de la cerise à la fraîcheur acidulée de la pomme verte, conçues pour fournir une variété satisfaisante de sensations gustatives. La gamme de saveurs inclut citron, cerise, myrtille, pomme verte et pastèque, chacune capturant distinctement l'essence du fruit respectif.

    Préroulés TNR

    Voici nos nouveaux Préroulés TNR! Nous avons mélangé nos fleurs maison de qualité supérieure pour vous offrir ce merveilleux et pratique nouveau produit.Que vous ayez de la difficulté à rouler ou que vous vouliez simplement que ce soit pratique et rapide, Pre Roll est le produit pour vous.Chaque unité contenant une moyenne de 600 mg de fleur hybride, surtout Indica.THC entre 20% et 25%


    70/30 Sativa   23-25% THC GOSH provient à l'origine de Green Crack et de Silver Haze, ce qui en fait un hybride à tendance Sativa intense et cérébral. La physionomie de ses fleurs tient vraiment de sa lignée, avec ses cocottes étonnamment denses et ses trichomes épais et givrés. Idéal le jour, GOSH améliore l'humeur et soulage les symptômes de dépression et les migraines avec des résultats fantastiques. Parfait pour ceux qui recherchent des effets Sativa puissants.

    TNR Critical Mass CBD AAA+

    60% Indica/40% Sativa – 8% THC/10% CBD Critical Mass CBD offre un ratio de 1:1 entre le CBD et le THC, ce qui en fait une souche à dominance légèrement Indica. Ses effets sont bien équilibrés et clairs; il est idéal pour ceux qui s'initient à la fleur ou qui recherchent une excellente variété de CBD. Les fleurs de Critical Mass sont fortes et génèrent un arôme frais et citronné.

    TNR Peanut Butter Breath AAA

    50/50 Hybride – 26-28% THC TNR Peanut Butter Breath semi-dense, des cocottes vertes qui sont fortement enrobées de trichomes scintillants et complétés par des pistils de couleur hickory.  Cette variété parvient à rester fidèle à son nom, mais d’une manière subtile, ressemblant à une arachide crue plutôt que le beurre d’arachide. Parfums et saveurs de terre, d’herbes et de noix, suivis de nuances légèrement aigres.  Les effets sont assez puissants, offrant rapidement un high dreamy and stony qui est peu de temps suivi d’une légère relaxation du corps. La plupart du temps hybride dans la nature, car il vous laisse calme et confortablement paresseux tout en permettant à l’esprit de dérivé, mais éveillé, ce qui en fait le type idéal de high pour le jeu ou pour regarder votre émission préférée ! Cette puissante souche médicinale peut offrir entre autres les bienfaits suivants pour la santé :
    • Relaxant
    • Aide à contrer la dépression et à l’anxiété
    • Soulage les migraines

    TNR Chimp Mint AAA+

    50% Indica/50% Sativa - 26-28% THC / 1% CBDChimp Mint est une variété hybride rare et équilibrée créée en croisant les fameuses variétés Gorilla Glue #4 X Guinness. Connu pour sa saveur élevée et intrigante qui provoque la faim, ce bourgeon puissant a un niveau moyen de THC élevé de 26 à 28% et des effets durables qui sont parfaits pour tout amateur d’hybrides.Ce bud a un arôme piquant super fort avec un effet de fromage sucré qui est assez aigre. La saveur est très douce et terreuse avec un arrière-goût de café presque fromager. Les cocottes de Chimp Mint ont de petites cornes arrondies vert fluo brillant avec de longs poils orange minces et un épais revêtement givré de trichomes en cristal d’ambre doré.

    TNR Dosi Mendo AAA+

    80% Indica/20% Sativa – 25-30% THC / 1% CBDAvec des niveaux de THC compris entre 25% et 30%, Dosi Mendo vous donne un fort high cérébral digne de sa lignée. Le caramel et la vanille sont les points forts de ce bud aromatique, avec des saveurs qui vous font vous demander si vous l’avez acheté dans un magasin de bonbons!Les goûts sucrés font qu’il est difficile de ne pas se sentir nostalgique en fumant ce bud, surtout lorsque le caramel et la vanille persistent longtemps après le passage de la fumée. Les pépites vert menthe sont rehaussées de mèches orange vif et de trichomes givrés, ce qui les rendent aussi doux à regarder qu’à goûter. 

    TNR Black Diamond AAA+

    90% Indica/10% Sativa – 24-26% THC / 1% CBD La Black Diamond est un hybride avec une génétique principalement Indica. Il s'agit d'un croisement entre la Blackberry, dont le goût a été modifié, et la Diamond OG, un hybride dérivé de la OG Kush. Cette variété procure un high fort et sédatif qui permet néanmoins une lucidité mentale, ce qui la rend idéale pour la concentration et la conversation. En plus de sa puissance psychoactive, la Black Diamond a également un attrait certain pour les sacs, avec des fleurs multicolores et un arôme dynamique et robuste.Le high de la Black Diamond s'installe relativement rapidement avec une lourdeur dans le cœur et les membres, ce qui conduit les fumeurs à se réfugier dans l'environnement confortable le plus proche. Les consommateurs peuvent se trouver plus détendus et capables de respirer plus profondément et plus facilement.

    TNR Meat Breath AAAA

    50% Indica/50% Sativa - 27-29% THC Cette variété provient de Mendo Breath croisée avec Meatloaf et en tire un style visuel unique. Ses trichomes sont plus proéminents que la plupart des autres variétés que nous connaissons - ils ressortent en stries blanches et violettes sur chaque feuille!La Meat Breath procure un effet high sur tout le corps, donnant un coup de fouet à l'humeur, une sensation de bienveillance qui vous laissera pantois et soulevé en même temps. C'est une saveur addictive si vous pouvez vous y habituer, une sorte de combinaison agressive entre le carburant diesel, la terre et la viande épicée. Si vous y êtes habitué, les 29% de THC vous enverront dans des endroits où vous vous vengerez de tout le stress que vous avez accumulé.

    TNR Tuna Kush AAAA

    100% Indica - 23-26% THC Se situant à un niveau de puissance moyen de 25% THC, la Tuna Kush semble être une souche normale au premier abord. Ses têtes sont assez jolies avec une coloration vert menthe accentuée par des poils ambrés et des cristaux clairs, mais attendez de vous en approcher...Une fois que vous aurez expérimenté les effets de la Tuna Kush, vous comprendrez pourquoi les gens la supportent. Décrit comme l'un des meilleurs highs Indica du moment, ce bourgeon plonge les utilisateurs dans une introspection rêveuse, euphorique et relaxante. Peu après avoir senti votre esprit fondre, votre corps suivra le mouvement avec une sensation de chaleur qui vous accompagnera de la tête aux pieds.

    TNR God’s Prime Glue AAAA

    100% Indica - 26-30% Jordan of the Island s'est associé à Big Worm Genetics pour créer la God's Prime Glue (God Bud x Prime Glue (Prime Crystal x Locktite)). Comme tous les croisements de Gorilla Glue, la puissance est inégalée, et la God's Glue n'est pas en reste. Cette variété présente un taux moyen de THC de 26%, mais certains phénotypes sélectionnés atteignent un taux stupéfiant de 30% ! Les débutants doivent aborder ce cannabis avec précaution car il est très puissant. En revanche, la teneur en CBD est assez faible.


    Bien que l'effet indic est très lourde, on se sent également heureux et social. L'arôme de God's Glue est plutôt complexe. Vous pouvez détecter des tons terreux et diesel accompagnés de notes vivifiantes d'agrumes.

    Pink Kush AAA+

    80% Indica/20% Sativa - 25-27% THC Créant des effets corporels très forts et un goût doux et délicat, Pink Kush est un hybride à dominance Indica 80/20 avec une attitude un peu timide. Cette variété a été créée par Barney's Farm. Personne n'est certain de la lignée de cette souche, mais on pense généralement qu'elle est une descendante de la OG Kush. Cette variété porte bien son nom avec une coloration étonnante et un high puissant, et est populaire dans le Nord-Ouest du Pacifique et au Canada.La Pink Kush vise à plaire quand il s'agit de THC, avec des niveaux moyens d'environ 27%. Les cosses vertes de cette variété sont compensées par des pistils roses et une couche de trichomes qui ressemble à du sucre sur des bonbons.


    Quand il s'agit de se défoncer, la Pink Kush apporte la relaxation avec une touche de rires joyeux. Les utilisateurs trouveront qu'ils sont instantanément transportés dans un espace de tête euphorique, car même la possibilité d'une pensée négative est loin de leur esprit.

    TNR Critical Kush AAAA

    100% Indica – 28-30% THC La Critical Kush est une variété Indica qui procure une puissante relaxation corporelle et des effets mentaux apaisants. Elle est le fruit de l'imagination de Barney's Farm, les cultivateurs d'Amsterdam qui nous ont donné des variétés aussi puissantes que le LSD et la Liberty Haze.La Critical Kush est un croisement entre la Critical Mass d'origine afghane et l'OG Kush. Le laboratoire d'analyse du cannabis attribue à cette plante des notes élevées, avec des teneurs en THC comprises entre 28 % et 30 %. Avec une telle puissance, la Critical Kush est presque certaine de vous mettre dans un état critique.La Critical Kush se distingue par des boules de taille moyenne à grande, remplies de résine. Les bourgeons sont denses, comme on peut s'y attendre d'une pure indica. Les feuilles sont d'un vert printanier brillant et sont torsadées par des pistils d'un orange profond. Un réseau de trichomes brillants couvre les surfaces intérieures et extérieures de ces gros bourgeons, ce qui les rend très difficiles à briser sans l'aide d'un broyeur.

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    Témoignages de nos clients

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      Jonathan J

      Best CBD oil out there!

      I’ve tried many different CBD oils in the past for various issues (migraines, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia) and this is the only one that has ever helped me. I have nothing but good things to say about TNR CBD Oil and would definitely recommend it to anyone who experiences similar issues.

      octobre 10, 2023
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      It has certainly been an interesting experience for me I can use it as little as I want orcas much as ineed!!
      It certainly makes my life easier in many ways

      septembre 30, 2023
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      Brenda H.

      TNR TitrateUp CBD Oil keeping me healthy!

      I have been using this CBD oil for many years as recommended by my son’s friend. I’m taking it more to be proactive with my health as I really don’t have any major issues except the odd pain in my right knee which I rarely have now. It does help with my sleep and with my overall health as I’m never sick. I’d definitely recommend taking it and like a previous review, get when on special with buy 4, get 5. They even sometimes offer it at a further reduced rate and yet still feature the same offer. Natural Remedy’s a great company! Don’t hesitate to ask any questions as they’re always very helpful.

      août 30, 2023
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      Bob Sproat

      CBD oil titrate up

      I have been purchasing the CBD oil Titrate up for several months now for friends and family with great results for pain management and improving sleep. This product
      provides relief for many ailments and if you plan to use it like myself the multiple bottle purchase is economical saving money for yourself and your family. Thanks Natural Remedy Store for making this God send of a medicine available!

      août 22, 2023
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      Titrate Up

      I have used this cbd oil for a few years now. Excellent product that helps with sleep issues and pain. I definitely recommend it to friends and family who are looking for a top quality cbd.

      août 15, 2023
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      Jeff Klatt

      Just what I needed.

      I got TNR CBD oil TitrateUp, along with two flowers, Gosh and Chimp mint, on my first purchase with TNR. It turned out to be perfect timing, as shortly after, I had medical issue that required an emergency surgery. Since I cannot take any types of NSAID medications, the CBD oil was and is essential, for pain and sleep. Even though I’ve been a regular cannabis user for many years now, I only need a quarter to half dose of the dropper of this oil to get effects that I need. Great product, that will be a perfect addition to my health supplement use. Thanks TNR.

      août 4, 2023
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      Stella gerrior

      Cbd oil

      The best medicine ever I now am pain free from flare ups from my Rhu Arthritis .This product is amazing I love it 🥰

      août 3, 2023
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      Cbd oil

      This has changed my life for the better I no longer have flare ups with my Rhu Arthritis .I have stopped taking Methotrexate for 2.5 years now and feeling great now .It’s amazing 🤩

      août 2, 2023
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      Cbd oil

      Best medicine I ever taken works great

      août 1, 2023
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      Stella gerrior

      Cbd oil

      My best medicine ever I am now off of cancer meds the doctor priscribed for my Rhu Art. and now been off that horrible drug for 2.5 yrs now and feel much better now than I did when I was takin poison pills

      août 1, 2023
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      Allie Sutton

      CBD oil

      Works great for me & my pets. Have tried other brands but keep coming back to order this.

      juillet 28, 2023
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      Chantelle La Pointe

      Best CBD out there! Hands down!

      I have been buying The Natural Remedy CBD oil for several years now and I believe it is the highest quality out there! My whole family uses this product and it is a great addition to our health routine! Don’t hesitate! Buy it now to help you on your path to better health!

      juillet 20, 2023
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      This Product is amazing!

      This is my stand by product for myself, my 2 cats and my dog. It relieves anxiety and I feel very calm. It has helped all my pets with pain.

      juillet 14, 2023
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      CBD is a lifesaver

      I have been taking CBD oil for a few years now and it has transformed my life. When I started taking it I had severe depression and arthritis and after a week of taking it the depression was gone. After two weeks my arthritis was gone! I sleep better and it has helped me out as a diabetic by lowering my blood sugar.
      Awesome medication!

      juillet 7, 2023
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      I have started using this oil for anxiety stress and it has helped me so much!! I am able to calm myself down so much faster. And even terrific as a sleep aid. It can be used for multiple conditions!!

      juin 20, 2023
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      Pain pal!!

      I use this for fibromyalgia pain relief.
      I’m happy with the results.

      juin 2, 2023
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      TNR CBD Oil – TitrateUp

      I am on my second bottle now of this brand and it’s so great! My 2 senior dogs use it for inflammation in their hips. They would have such a hard time walking without it ! And it’s natural, which is the best for them! Thank goodness for TNR CBD Oil – TitrateUp!!

      mai 28, 2023
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      CBD OIL

      Sleeping patterns have improved…has helped with muscle cramps…5 stars B.

      mai 27, 2023
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      Bruce Cobb

      Better sleep and pain relief

      Sleeping patterns have improved and aches and pains not so noticable ….5 stars! B.

      mai 25, 2023
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      CBD Oil

      I have been using your CBD oil for several years and it is the only thing that gives me any relief from the pain the the arthritis in my hands. As long as I have my CBD oil, I can garden, paint, bead…pretty well anything where before I could not do much except complain about the pain!

      mai 17, 2023
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      Beverley Biccum

      CBD oil

      I’ve used this product for several years now. It really helps with pain and I sleep better.

      mai 6, 2023
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      Donald Inness

      CBD Oil

      I have been using the pure CBD oil for several years now for my arthritis.It does not cure the joint stiffness but it does eliminate the pain so it is well worth it.

      avril 21, 2023
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      CBD Oil

      I have been using this product for a few years now, it has decreased my knee pain considerably and helps with my sleep as an added perk. I will not go without this product daily. I love the special deals and fast delivery!

      mars 29, 2023
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      How do you spell relief?

      I’ve been using Natural Remedy CBD oil for many years. I quit taking heavy duty prescription drugs, and switched to this oil. It does so much to help me. It relieves my pain and is a great sleep aid. I wouldn’t switch back.

      mars 28, 2023
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      Best CBD I've tried

      I’ve been using this oil for years. I’ve tried local but nothing gives me the relief like this one. It has a natural taste that I don’t like but I put it in capsules so I can dose it myself. I wouldn’t trade the benefits I get for sleep, anxiety, and other muscle problem relief for anything.

      mars 17, 2023
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      Trust this CBD!

      I’ve been using Natural Remedy CBD for several years now and I will not go a day without it! It decreases my I inflammatory pain, lifts my mood, and we all know it is cancer prevention! My family history is not great for cancer, so I’m doing what I can to prevent it! I used the Cana Pal CBD on my dogs daily too! It’s just an absolute must if you are wanting to live a healthier life!!!!

      février 28, 2023


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      Great Product!

      Really helps me get to sleep!

      février 10, 2023
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      Beverley Biccum


      Absolutely love this product. Helps with my arthritis and I sleep better.

      février 8, 2023
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      Consistent quality and service

      Have been using Titrate for dogs and myself for 5 years +. The oils work for pain, less stress and more sleep. Major pain from osteo and nothing can make it “all better”, but the Titrates are the only thing that has at least left me so I can function at work and get rest at night for more than 1 hr at a time. Same thing when my dogs used it. Made their lives better. Have tried other brands..Be careful with oils that say CBD, but they are actually Hemp. Natural Remedy is what they say they are. Can be trusted.

      janvier 31, 2023
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      Relief from Restless Leg Syndrome

      TitrateUp has become a critical ingredient for controlling my Restless Leg Syndrome. The use of CBD oil was recommended to me by my doctor to help reduce the incredibly uncomfortable involuntary leg movement that keeps me awake at night. I tried a couple of other brands that didn’t help much at all. Then I discovered this product and it has become a life saver. Way better than the nasty drugs that the pharmaceutical industry has to offer!

      janvier 20, 2023
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      Mike Young


      Been using for long time great product

      janvier 18, 2023
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      Great anxiety reducer

      We started administering nitrate up to my dementia stricten mother in law who’s 82 years young. After spending 3 months at foot hills hospital with a broken hip and fighting with ahs to release her back into our care, they reluctantly released her in a zombie state. Although her baseline declined while in ahs ‘s care, we believed she could relearn her talking and walking abilities albeit at a diminished level. Her progress was slow and she slipped into a weepy state often. We were giving her small pieces of boost to assist with her sleep and then we discovered nitrate up and the difference in her emotional state was noticed immediately. She can walk with some assistance and has become a semi incoherent chatter box once again and rarely complains of any pain. Her day begins and ends with titrate up

      And I like it too for my overall wellbeing.

      janvier 16, 2023
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      CBD Oil benefits

      I have been using CBD Oil Titrate Up for a number of years. It really helps with the arthritis in my feet. If not for the CBD, I would be taking analgesia every 4 hours and would still have pain. I can sleep at night without pain in my feet.
      Just wish it was easier to travel without leaving the CBD at home.

      janvier 12, 2023
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      Debbie Paget

      CBD Oil

      Great product have been using this for many years.

      janvier 12, 2023
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      Mrs. K

      cbd oil

      excellent product , I had trouble ordering with the e transfer for awhile when things were changed so I ran out and noticed I had more pain and other issues, After months following sales I finally lucked out with ordering with the e transfer and I’m back on regular regime, so far so good I’m noticing progress

      janvier 11, 2023
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      I have been using this oil for a couple of years now and it has made a world of a difference with my anxiety and rheumatoid arthritis. Highly recommend

      janvier 11, 2023
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      Allie Sutton

      CBD Oil

      I am 75 years with lots of aches & pains from car accidents. I also have a hip replacement. This does wonders for my pain & I don’t have to use a lot. I also have 3 older dogs that benefit from this. My Rottweiler actually sits & begs for this when she is hurting. They know!!

      janvier 8, 2023
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      Jess O.

      A Wow Oil!!

      I first tried this item as my father was purchasing for his muscle aches & pains after working out. He suggested if something were bothering me in terms of some pains or my insomnia getting bad, that I try it.
      FIRST Off: I always read about an item and its contents before taking Anything!! This was the Cleanest & healthiest CBD Oil I ever tried or known to learn of, and
      SECONDLY, I have a high tolerance for pain meds or sleeping medication (so I thought No Way would it work…Wow was I wrong). Well, I’m VERY Happy to say does this not only help with any aches & pains, plus my previously horrid insomnia, it Also takes the edge off a long, stressful day.
      I call this my all in one elixir!! (Tirate Oil).
      ANY Other Sales please let me know as I might even try some other products! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
      Also, here’s to supporting a BC Business started from the ground up!! Thank you!!

      Décembre 26, 2022


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      CBD Oil

      CBDs are certainly one of the greatest discoveries of recent times. It is as close to a panacea as anything that I have ever seen. CBD Oil seems to fine tune all of our systems be they digestive, nervous or otherwise. We naturally have CBD receptors all over our bodies, so clearly Nature has given us one of the greatest gifts of all in this magnificent compound. CBDs are highly recommended, and infinitely effective for improved well-being.

      Décembre 20, 2022
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      great product

      been using this CBD for many years and quality has remained top notch and quick delivery

      Décembre 16, 2022
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      Cbd oil

      #1 medicating .I will always be grateful to Natural Remedy for saving my life this cbd was life changing for me .I have Rhu Arthritis and I am pain free all because of cbd oil .Thank you so much Natural Remedy for saving me from the pain

      Décembre 13, 2022
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      Super Oil

      Great product for joint inflammation and pain.

      Décembre 5, 2022
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      TNR CBD Oil – TitrateUp

      TitrateUp was recommended to me by my sister & I have been using for about three years now. It has kept the arthritis in my lower back under control & I enjoy very good mobility. TitrateUp also helps me to sleep at night. I take one dropper in the morning when I get up & two droppers before I go to bed. I highly recommend this product!

      Décembre 5, 2022
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      Jess A W


      I first tried this about 6 yrs ago as my father was purchasing it (at a health store in Calgary) for his after workout muscle aches & soreness. I tried a little & immediately felt relief, but then I went direct to the Source online & Order everytime there’s a Sale, or even when not. This product has helped my aches and insomnia soooo well that I Refuse to try any other products!! I’ve been an avid & loyal customer since & will continue to be so!! Thank you so much for such helpful, natural changes in improving my life!

      Décembre 2, 2022


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      CBD Titrate Up

      I’ve used this product for several years – can’t say enough good things about it. Since using it, my atopic eczema and asthma have remained in remission – I haven’t used an inhaler in over three years. I haven’t had an eczema outbreak for the same length of time. Will continue to use this product.!

      novembre 29, 2022
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      This product does work to keep my blood pressure level where it should be. But being on a disability pension it is getting harder to buy. Thank you.

      novembre 29, 2022
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      Great Product

      We love this product. It helps with my husband and I with sleep and I feel great when I wake up in the morning. I recommended it to my sister who has sleep issues as well and she is now recommending it to her collegues because it worked so well for here. We also use Canna Pal (same as Titrate Up) for our aging and it helps him with mobility and pain management with no nasty side effect like some of the NSAIDs that our vet gave us. We will never be without a bottle of this.

      novembre 29, 2022
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      Excellent product

      I am so glad to have found this product. I use it almost every day. It helps with anxiety and my rheumatoid arthritis. Highly recommend

      novembre 29, 2022
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      Dana Daigneault

      TNR CBD oil

      I have been using TNR CBD oil for several years not and won’t be without it. It helps so much with the arthritis in my hands and my TGN. I have recommended it to some of my older friends and they love it too.

      novembre 29, 2022
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      CBD oil

      This is by far a superior CBD oil! Takes care of aches & a good night sleep. I also find it keeps pollen allergies at a standstill! I also give to someone with ADD- concentration is so much better.

      novembre 29, 2022
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      Full spectrum CBD oil

      I have been a user of CBD oil for a long time but I have never, till now, reviewed, recommended, or suggested the product to anyone, I think it’s time I do. In the past 18 years, I have used many different suppliers/brands of CBD oil relying upon the descriptions /suggestions of the supplier and in many cases resulted in a lack of success in doing what the CBD was supposed to do, so I am saying this because I finally have found one that works as they claim it would and so do the “gummies”. My wife and I use it every day especially in the evening before bedtime, we no longer use prescription sleeping pills or melatonin, among other “things” we tried in the past. The long and the short are that we will continue using it because it works it helps to relax and more naturally fall asleep without drowsiness in the morning.

      novembre 28, 2022
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      S Henderson

      CBD oil

      I’ve been using this product for a couple years, amazing product. Osteoarthritis pain in hands almost non existent compared to could barely stand the pain. Off the shelf mens barely helped. Also really helped with quality of sleep. Thanks TNR. You really have made a huge difference.

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Life saver

      I love my CBD oil. I have spMS and I depend on my oil for this reason as well as fibromyalgia which I don’t have pain like I use to unless I forget my oil then your pain will remind you. I don’t like taking pills so many side effects. I been 5-6 years with my oil.
      Thanks Rita

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Debbie Hitchcock


      I have tried four different kinds and this is the best. I have been able to manage my knee pain and sleep better!

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Karen Thorpe

      CBD oil

      Best CBD oil out there, allows me to remain in a calm happy state after years of depression. Will be a lifetime customer.

      novembre 28, 2022
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      CBD Titrate Up oil

      I’ve been giving the oil to my dog for last five years and it has proven it’s worth! Dog tore crucia knee tendon and needed surgery at a cost of $3,000. After giving him the oil for over three months. 0n day of surgery and consult, the surgeon identified my dog didn’t require surgery any longer as inflammation had disappeared and he was walking normally. Not keeping foot up as previous times. My dog never required any further treatment. My vet also noted how healthy he was in his senior years which was significant evidence in itself that this is wonderful oil!

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Excellent Products

      I’ve been ordering the TNR CBD oil for several years now. Life changing. Husband uses it every day for knee pain and sleep. When away on vacation and can’t travel with the oil, notice a big difference in knee pain and sleep. CBD definitely helps with sleep – fall asleep faster and stay asleep during the night. Helps with inflammation in knee that causes a lot of pain when walking. Really is life changing product for us.

      Shipping is fast and packed well. Very happy with products and Natural Remedy.

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Changed my life! A lot less inflammation un my shoulder

      novembre 28, 2022
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      Love Natural Remedy products

      I have been purchasing TNR CBD oil for a few years now, and have always been very pleased with both the product, as well as the exceptional customer service. When I place an order, even though I am in Ontario – it is here in 5 days or less consistently. I always order ‘5’ bottles, as this is always great value. If I have run out of TNR CBD oil and have purchased a bottle from a dispensary in Ontario – I have not found the product as easily tolerated, or effective. I also use the Cannapal for my senior dog, and have recommended this product for several of my friends! Great products, great service!

      novembre 20, 2022
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      Melody Bosk

      Titrate Up helps get you up!

      Been using this product instead of other pain meds to get things under control at the beginning of my day. Small enough dosage that i can have more throughout the day whenever I need it if I do more or need it for more intense relief… Nighttime –is a saving grace. I love TNR’s commitment to ensuring folks are using their products correctly, if you have questions, they have answers!
      Between Titrate up and Cannapal– the whole houseful of the elderly has fewer creaky bones!

      novembre 18, 2022
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      CBD oil

      Have been using this product for 2 years. Amazing results. My sleep is way better, and a lot less pain in the knees . Will always use this one

      novembre 17, 2022
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      Cbd oil

      This has changed my life for the better for sure.

      novembre 16, 2022
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      CBD Oil

      I have been using this product daily for years. It helps with sleep and my migraines. It has also done wonders for my senior dog.

      novembre 16, 2022
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      CBD oil

      I have used CBD oil for about 5 years. It definitely helps with anxiety and I am able to sleep at least 7 hours per night. I had pain in my right leg for years which kept me awake but if I take CBD oil I no longer get that aching pain. I also am very impressed with your service. I put in my order, send an etransfer and my order arrives in 2 or 3 days. Can’t ask for better service.

      novembre 15, 2022
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      CBD oil amazing!

      CBD oil has changed my life. First my arthritis is gone, I mean no pain whatsoever. I was in clinical depression when I started CBD and it was gone after 2 weeks use. It has regulated my blood sugar (diabetes) and blood pressure. CBD is a miracle cure!

      novembre 14, 2022
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      CBD Oil

      I have been using CBD Oil for a number of years, it is a great product!

      novembre 14, 2022
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      Richard Armstrong

      TiNR CBD oil

      Helps with breathing and aches and pains

      novembre 14, 2022
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      Ana DaCosta

      CBD oil

      I have been using this oil for a few years now. It is excellent! I’ve tried others and nothing works quite as good. I would 100% recommend!

      novembre 14, 2022
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      Joan Knowles

      For discount

      You folks are always so prompt with delivery! And the product,,,awesome! I give CBD oil and Collidal Silver to my big dog as well. My arthritis is under control, my anxiety as well. Thank you!

      novembre 14, 2022
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      TBD oil

      Since taking the oil I’ve been more relaxed and also sleep better

      novembre 14, 2022
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      Karen Thorpe

      CBD TitrateUp

      I have tried other CBD oils for both myself and my senior dog and can honestly say that this one WORKS! I suffer from depression and have for the last two decades with extreme low points in my life, after being on this product for around 4 months now I am very even keel emotionally and happy! I am finding that I’m a lot more positive in my outlook and as this is the only change that I’ve made to my health/supplements. Over the last few months I’ve had some very negative issues in my life but have forged ahead with positivity and calmness. Brilliant product! Thank you for the quality of life your CBD is giving me & my dog!

      novembre 14, 2022
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      Awesome product.

      I have been using this CBD oil for over 6 years. I was able to go off my prescription pain medication and now only use this for my pain.

      novembre 14, 2022
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      The Natural Remedy has the best CBD oil. I absolutely love it. For 3 years it has helped my anxiety, joint pains & also cleared up a scalp issue I’ve had since childhood. It’s the best oil, clean/pleasant tasting too. I would recommend this product.
      Thankyou TNR for such great quality

      janvier 25, 2022
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      April Pankiewich

      This stuff is great. I give my dog 1ml twice a day. She went from having a seizure once every two weeks to having three a year!

      novembre 21, 2021
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      Richard K

      very good product……

      août 2, 2020
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      Really good product, I tried another CBD elsewhere and came back to this one.

      Décembre 24, 2019
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      On day three and it’s working great so far! I just wanted to ask how much fluid the dropper holds. Thanks!

      novembre 30, 2019
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      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 4, 2019

        Glad to hear the CBD Canna Oil is already helping out! The dropper that comes with our CBD Canna Oil holds 1mL of oil when full.

    • Avatar

      Paula Ready

      I ordered my first bottle. The delivery was super quick. I ordered this for my dog. She was diagnosed with lymphoma. She us the love if my life and I am hoping this will prolong her life. I will keep everyone posted.

      octobre 22, 2019
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      I am 60 years old, started taking CBD oil 4 weeks ago. I sleep so much better and don’t have the stiffness when i get up in the morning. I was sceptical about ordering this product but now I am glad i did !! Placing another order very soon

      octobre 22, 2019
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      Just want to say thank you to everyone at The Natural Remedy. Since last year have been ordering 15 bottles of CBD Canna-Oil for my mother that I love dearly. She’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and whit the CBD Canna-oil is condition improves a lot and believe me when I say that for her and also for me it helps a lot on a daily basis. Modern medicine should take example on the naturel remedy that as been there for thousands of years… So one again, from the bottom of my heart thank you!

      Bromont, Qc

      août 18, 2019
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      • The Natural Remedy

        août 19, 2019

        That is wonderful to hear that the product is helping your Grandmother. My elderly Mom (89) uses it as well and has gotten great results 🙂

    • Avatar


      The oil is good for dog?

      août 2, 2019


      • The Natural Remedy

        août 2, 2019

        Yes very good for dogs… Both the CBD Canna Oil Titrate Up and the Canna Pal are the same product with different dosing instructions. For pet dosing proceed slowly with dosing and always monitor your pet for normal behaviour including eating, drinking, sleeping habits etc. You start with 3-4 drops and slowly increment up to 1/4 dropper ( approx.11-12 drops) AM and PM
        smaller dogs may not require a full dosage of Canna Pal and to increment up at a slower rate checking for positive improvements in eating, sleeping, energy and relief of pain.

        Here is link to dosing instructions just look for Canna Pal
        Hope that helps… IF you have any further questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]

    • Avatar


      I absolutely love this oil.
      It’s easily the best CBD I’ve tried, and also relatively cheap considering.

      I do wish you had an oil with a slightly high percentage of THC, I need the CBD only oil for dealing with anxiety and mood disorders, but it’s nice to then later in the day have some THC but most oils and flower strains are way too strong for me and just trigger anxiety.

      Anyways yea I would recommend this product to anyone! 🙂

      avril 29, 2019
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      • The Natural Remedy

        avril 29, 2019

        Thank you for your feedback on the CBD Oil Titrate UP. We love hearing from our customers.

    • Avatar


      The CBD oil is wow!! I have been fighting horrible Psoriasis. I have had two prescriptions from our medical Dr that sadly was of no help. Our NP Dr recommended CBD oil and I can finally see the light. In less than a week it’s almost gone. Totally blown away! Now using it too treat acne and skin sun damage. So far that is improving as well. If I hadn’t seen all of the above I might have been sceptical but I’m a true believer that these results are astonishing and real! A million thank you’s too The Natural Remedy!

      Ps: Shipping is so fast and always reliable. Fantastic customer service!

      mars 7, 2019
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      Can you vape this?

      Décembre 12, 2018


      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 12, 2018

        we do not recommend vaping any of our medicinal oils. Our RSO will not vaporize well and will likely gum up almost any vaporizer. The products that we do carry that are suitable for use with vaporizers are our dried flower, and our concentrates such as shatter, and depending on the vaporizer, sometimes hash.

    • Avatar


      hi all, ordered this in the CannaPal version as its exactly the same cept the photo and because my friend had a pooch named Pal as kids LOL starting dosage slowly i now take a full dropper daily, seems to help with anxiety and i know i am calmer overall, plus i have lost 20lbs in the past year, my thought is my system has been re-regulated and working properly, the changes were subtle at first but i have no doubts as to the benefits, great product, price and folks ! CBD is really catching on but more education needed, i do pass on my praises though…will order again, thanks TNR ! phil.

      septembre 30, 2018


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      This product was a great investment for me. I have been taking it for 4 weeks and it has been helping me with my anxiety and confidence issues at school and work. It is also doing fantastic with some my sleeping issues due to stress. I repeat, it is working amazing for me! I feel balanced and healthy, and I’m able to stay in a routine something which was hard for me before because of my anxiety. I now take 1/2 dropper after breakfast and 1 dropper at night time. I did a lot of research and this is the best product in terms of quality, quantity of CBD, and price you will find in Canada. The customer service is fantastic, they are very professional but at the same time friendly, and they will really help you with any question you have. The product arrived in less than a week and I was very surprised. I highly recommend any one to try CBD and purchase it from The Natural Remedy, this is a brand you can trust and offers the best product in the market. Thanks guys keep it up the good work! Can’t wait to get my second bottle soon!

      août 22, 2018
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      I ordered this oil some time ago for my old cat. We found a lump with wired skin attachment. We thought that she had cancer. It was a scratch that healed improperly. I ended up using this amazing oil by myself. Recently I got infection in gum and my tooth with crown was extracted. Oil helped me to deal with pain very successfully. I did not take any painkiller!!
      Thank you Natural Remedy!

      août 16, 2018


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      I have been taking Canna Oil for about 3-4 weeks for anxiety and has been great use. In the mornings I take about 5 drops, a couple drops if needed during the day and when I feel that I need sleep I will take about 7 drops for a great night sleep!

      juillet 13, 2018
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      Hello, for anxiety do i have to take it every day or just the days that i feel like i have anxiety? And does it relive the stress from day one or does it take couple of days/weeks?


      juillet 9, 2018


      • The Natural Remedy

        juillet 10, 2018


        The CBD Canna Oil is more like a daily supplement, rather than a as needed treatment, and it works best when your body has become fully acclimated to the product.

        Hope that helps…

        All the best,


    • Avatar


      Thank you tnr….never feel so good since im off prescription pills…
      Cbd gave me back my life!!

      juin 18, 2018
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      Very simple and discrete ordering process. Just placed my first order for my severely anxious dog. I am wondering though: can one stop Canna Oil cold turkey? If for any reason I have to stop giving it, should I expect adverse effects? Thank you

      juin 11, 2018
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      • The Natural Remedy

        juin 11, 2018

        No there is no adverse effect you can stop even cold turkey without any issues… If you discontinue for more than a week… I would recommend starting at square one with dosing instructions as the dog may need to acclimate system again. Please contact me [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

    • Avatar


      I have been using CBD oil for almost a year now for chronic migraines. My previous suppliers product was no longer working for me and around the same time I was introduced to TNR. I am now on my 3rd bottle. I rave to everyone about how amazed I am with the results. I still get the odd migraine but it is manageable and I sleep like a rock.
      Amazing product.
      I am thinking of giving it to my dog but unsure of the dosage? What would you recommend?
      He’s 105lbs, 7yr old with skin allergies and showing joint issues. He also has anxiety.
      Thanks in advance.

      mai 25, 2018


      • The Natural Remedy

        mai 26, 2018

        Thanks for the great testimonial… for your trouble we will be sending you a $20 reward coupon early next week 🙂
        Please proceed slowly with dosing your dog and always monitor your pet for normal behaviour including eating, drinking, sleeping habits etc. You start with 3-4 drops and slowly increment up to 1/4 dropper ( approx.11-12 drops) AM and PM

        Here is link to dosing instructions just look for Canna Pal

    • Avatar


      I suffer from daily headaches, ever since using this I haven’t had any at all, and when I do get one, it helps the pain go away almost completely. It’s also helped me sleep amazingly. I’ve bought some for my grandmother who’s suffering from arthritis and she’s in love with it! She said she can finally sleep through the nights without her bad hip waking her up, and she’s able to do her knitting for as long as she wants because her fingers feel amazing! I’m recommending this to every one I speak to.

      mai 20, 2018
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      Hello there, Your product seems to be doing the trick for anxiety and arthritic pain. I was wondering if you could tell me which extraction process you use for the isolate? Thanks again!

      mai 7, 2018


      • The Natural Remedy

        mai 8, 2018

        HI Sarah
        That is awesome the product is working for you 🙂

        The CBD Canna oil is a blend of five different strains of Cannabis, from a high Indica and a high Sativa…. so we end up with a 50/50 Indica/Sativa of whole plant cannabis infused in 100% pure olive oil.

    • Avatar


      Love it! Taking it myself for anxiety, and for my two dogs. Dog #1 is 65 pounds and 13 years with arthritis and back end muscle weakness. He has been on it for 3 weeks, started with 6 drops twice daily. He is now up to 15 drops 3 times per day and that seems to be his sweet spot for now. When I pick up the bottle he comes running and licks it out of my hand. His mobility has gotten so much better since taking Canna Oil. Dog #2 is 11 years old, 35 pounds and a bit anxious during the day time despite getting plenty of exercise. I give him 5 drops twice a day and he is much more relaxed now.

      avril 20, 2018
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      • The Natural Remedy

        avril 23, 2018

        Thank you for the wonderful testimonial we are so glad the product is working so well for your fur baby 🙂

    • Avatar


      This product gave me my life back! I suffer from severe vertigo and anxiety (because of the vertigo)and a day after using this product my symptoms disappeared! I asked a doctor for a referral and he said no. I am so glad this product is readily available! Thank you!

      avril 7, 2018
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      Amazing product, I was extremely skeptical about CBD, but may the CBD Gods forgive me because now I’m a believer. I am taking this wonder for anxiety, stress, sleep, and more, I couldn’t be happier. I feel so at peace since I have started taking this high quality CBD oil. My life was starting to fall apart because of the struggles of life, but thanks to TNR I can breathe again. Best part is it doesn’t make me feel strange or high. This is a must buy if you want to improve your quality of life.

      mars 21, 2018


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      Is this product good for weight loss? Cause I’m loving it for sleep and for pain and anxiety

      mars 19, 2018


      • The Natural Remedy

        mars 20, 2018

        That is wonderful that the Canna Oil is helping with your sleep, pain and anxiety. While this is not a product for weight loss per say… it can offer anxiety and stress relief, which may in turn help with overeating or binging in a round about way. Hope that makes sense… please email me directly at [email protected] if you have any further questions or concerns. Also if you have not done so already please send in a testimonial of your experience and for your trouble we will gift you with a one time $20 reward coupon you can use for future purchases in our store… We also have a refer a friend Program if you want to recommend TNR to others… here is the link for more info
        All the best,

    • Avatar

      Elaine L

      I have been using canna oil for 6 weeks and I am noticing so many more improvements? I have never slept so well. I have far less fibromyalgia pain, more energy, my constant nausea is gone and anxiety is far less. I feel so much better that I now have 1 friend, 2 sisters, and my husband using it. Thank you to The Natural Remedy for producing this product ?

      mars 16, 2018
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      Am just now on day three of canna oil. I would say there is a 75% reduction of body pain/arthritis, mentally and physically much more relaxed and overall mood improved. Sleep is hard to tell just yet, but am expecting an improvement in my sleep patterns. This is great!

      mars 14, 2018
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      I am interested in trying this for my Crohn’s Disease. I also have PTSD and am using meds for that. I don’t want the THC though. I have asthma and a lot of allergies and am concerned about possible reactions. Any thoughts?

      mars 13, 2018


    • Avatar


      Loving this product! Using it to get off of anti-depressants (which through me on a loop with side effects) I am so relieved to be free of the pill popping. Thanks so much

      mars 5, 2018
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      Tara Barnard

      Just received my oil. Wondering if you can tell me what’s the best dosage for anxiety.

      Décembre 21, 2017


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      I’m thinking of ordering the oil however very nervous. Tried the gummy bears and it really upset my tummy (nauseous) for the next 24 hours. Having problems staying asleep after 3 hours. Would this oil help with sleep?

      Décembre 18, 2017


      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 18, 2017

        Hello please keep me updated on how the oil works for you, you can reach me directly by email at [email protected] and you have my #
        Have a wonderful holiday season!

    • Avatar


      I bought this for help with anxiety and it really works for me! My stomach pain has also disappeared, stellar product!

      novembre 24, 2017
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      I am interested in using this product for my dog. She weighs approx. 50lbs. Do you have a dosage recommendation for a dog her size?

      octobre 14, 2017


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      absolutely life changing, no more depression and my energy and “wants” have returned. Great product and great team, thank you TNR

      octobre 12, 2017
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      I will email you Fran 🙂

      septembre 3, 2017


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      Sam H.

      I ordered my first bottle some time ago, and am going to order more. This has drastically reduced my anxiety and improved my mental health and well-being. The delivery was prompt and service was courteous and not at all intimidating.

      août 12, 2017


    • Avatar


      Hi I just started using this and have been able to get off zoplicone! Im wondering if I can travel with this…in my checked baggage in Canada?

      août 6, 2017


      • The Natural Remedy

        août 6, 2017

        That is great that the CBD Canna Oil is helping you get off Zopiclone…
        It may be a good idea to check with the airline, but according to our information you must carry your MMPR, MMAR or a letter from your health practitioner and they may only accept medicinal cannabis products from an LP recognized by Health Canada… The Natural Remedy is not an LP.

        Many of our customers stop taking their CBD oil (or other medicinal cannabis products from The Natural Remedy) when they go on vacation, and resume when they get back with no issues, to avoid any hassles or legal problems with the airlines…

        Hope that helps…

        All the best,


    • Avatar

      David Kocher

      Bought this for my 14 year old mixed breed large dog. She’s been on a number of pharmaceutical products (opiates and NSAIDs) with some little success. I’ve found this product does wonders for her pain and while she’ll never be running and jumping again this does give her comfort, I only wish I had found this sooner!

      juillet 3, 2017
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      • The Natural Remedy

        juillet 4, 2017

        Thank you for the great review 🙂

    • Avatar

      Dee-Ann Green

      This oil works great for Parkinson’s disease. 1/4 of dropper and with in 10 mins the shaking is almost gone. =D It’s so wonderful all the things that cbd helps

      juin 3, 2017
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      • The Natural Remedy

        juin 5, 2017

        That is awesome to hear Dee- Ann! Would you mind if we used this as a testimonial? I would only use your initials… please reply to [email protected]

    • Avatar



      Love the product personally, its been a life changer.

      Any thoughts on dosage in dogs? So hard to find information out there.

      mai 26, 2017


      • The Natural Remedy

        mai 26, 2017

        Hi Chantel

        The CBD Canna Oil is basically the Canna Pal and you can use the dosage directions for the Canna Pal with the CBD CAnna Oil for your pet which you can access here
        Hope that helps…
        The Natural Remedy Team 🙂

    • Avatar

      Theresa Whittier

      I just ordered my first bottle so hopefully I will have it in the next few days. I suffer from fibromyalgia and the pain sometimes is so hard to deal with. It also makes me have sleepless night. Now I just need to figure out how many drop to take.

      mai 24, 2017


      • The Natural Remedy

        mai 24, 2017

        Hi Theresa
        I will email you 🙂

    • Avatar


      Firstly i would like to thank Jason and Vikki for turning me on to this product and the juices which are 5 star in their own right. I won a bottle of this Canna-oil during the 12 days of Christmas giveaways from Cannabis in Canada and after receiving and taking the cbd oil i noticed a drastic change in my arthritis inflammation which was enough for me to continue using it, though i have also now after a month and a half using the cbd oil i can say ill never stop just for the arthritis relief alone. Plus all the other benefits that has come along with it.
      Thanks so much

      janvier 16, 2017
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      • The Natural Remedy

        janvier 16, 2017

        You are so welcome 🙂

        The Natural Remedy Team

    • Avatar


      This product is amazing. I have been using 3 drops under the tongue 3 times a day and I have NO arthritis pain at all. I am able to walk my dog over 4 km now instead of 3 blocks. I sleep very well, no longer grind my teeth at night. I can walk down stairs one at time like a normal person. Quality of life has returned… The staff are incredibly helpful and made my decision to use this product very easy. THANK YOU!!!!

      Décembre 11, 2016
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      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 11, 2016

        Thank you so much for the awesome testimonial Jayne 🙂

    • Avatar


      Great product!

      Décembre 4, 2016


      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 11, 2016

        Glad you like it 🙂

    • Avatar


      I was wondering if this is okay for animals? I read an article about CBD’s for animals and want to make sure before I purchase.

      Décembre 3, 2016


      • The Natural Remedy

        Décembre 3, 2016

        Yes the CBD Canna oil is safe for pets. It is 14% CBD 0.5%THC-A (very clean and therapeutic) High in CBD’s and low THC, which is ideal for maximum cascade effect for long term therapeutic usage. We have many customers who are using it for their furry pals 🙂