Preventative Medicine, Daily Supplement, Anti-Aging

A Little Cannabis Oil a Day can Keep the Doctor Away?

Thanks to extensive research, we have discovered that cannabis is effective in treating a wide variety of illnesses, including chronic pain, seizures and PSTD. Some would even argue that cannabis can treat cancer, with many individuals curing cancer with cannabis oil. Yet, it is rarely pointed out that cannabis is also a potential preventative medicine for some very common health problems. To read full Waking Times article click here

Quote Post credit to Dr. Michelle Ross..

Dr. Michele Ross, PhD, MBA, is a neuroscientist and health coach with a passion to help patients with chronic illness live their best life ever.

Dr. Michele Ross is both a cannabinoid medicine researcher and a cannabis patient. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and chronic pelvic pain, cannabis and kratom were the only treatments that reduced her symptoms and allowed her to return to work. After hearing thousands of extraordinary patient stories just like hers, Dr. Ross was compelled to ensure cannabis and other natural substances become part of the American healthcare regimen. Source Dr. Michelle Ross

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