Tourette Syndrome, Neurological Conditions

Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome

According to Tourette Canada “Tourette Syndrome or TS is a Neurodevelopmental or brain-based condition that causes people who have it to make involuntary sounds and movements called tics.

Tourette Syndrome (TS) tics are sudden, intermittent, repetitive, unpredictable, purposeless, nonrhythmic, involuntary movements or sounds. Tics that produce movement are called “motor tics,” while tics that produce sound are called “vocal tics” or “phonic tics.” Tics can be either simple or complex. The most important thing to understand about the tics associated with Tourette Syndrome is they are the result of a neuropsychiatric condition. The sounds and behaviours are involuntary and are not being done by choice.”

For the treatment of  Tourette syndrome,  several anecdotal reports provided evidence that medicinal cannabis might be effective not only in the suppression of tics, but also in the treatment of associated behavioural problems. Read study

See informational video below… M.D. David Bearman explains how cannabinoids help to treat Tourette Syndrome and other Disorders…

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