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Hello, I received the bottle of canna pal oil I purchased from you on Friday last week, thank you for the fast shipping! I have been giving it to my elderly Jack Russel since Friday and I am absolutely gobsmacked by how much he has improved in 3 1/2 days……… Words can not convey my relief. He has a diagnosis of congestive heart failure, and a suspicion of Cushing’s Disease which can’t be confirmed without invasive surgery. There is no real treatment available for Cushing’s. He is 11 years old and I have been watching him become increasingly uncomfortable for months. I was hoping he would have a sudden heart failure while on a walk so his suffering would end without going to the Vet. (He absolutely despises the vet and always tries to bite him!) Now, in 3 1/2 days, his breathing is almost normal, his anxiety level is almost nothing, and he has his “big dog” swagger back in his step! We have been on much longer walks and he is still a slow guy but not exhausted and miserable afterwards. I just wanted to say THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart and the bottom of my little Jackie’s heart, we needed something to clear the dark outlook on our lives and canna oil has done it for us. K.
This is great news! I have just the person I need to pass info on to. What was the dosage you used? If you can share that, it would be most helpful as a starting point. Thanks you.
I believe she followed suggested dosing instructions that will come with the product.
Here is direct link to all dosing look under Canna Pal
How can I order the cbd oil for my dog.
Yes you can just shop in our store no need to pre register and an account will be created for you as you are checking out.
Hope that helps… have a great day!