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Sharing the Healing Journey…
Peter took his health in his own hands when he was diagnosed with Non-hodgkins follicular lymphoma, and is graciously allowing us to post information on the protocol he used on his healing journey such as,TNR Medicinal Cannabis products, nutrition and other healing modalities that brought his health back again.
From Peter…
This is the book I read, when I first found out my lymphoma diagnosis. My brother noticed it at a health food store.
☺ It gave me a lot of useful information. Just after I read this the TTAC was released and they complemented each other so well. Both were giving the same message, on how to prevent and beat cancer NATURALLY . Proper nutrition, detoxification, meditation, exercise and Cannabis oil among other useful information. #thenaturalremedy #thetruthaboutcancer, #thesacredplant #clearlightinfraredbysaunaworks