
The Peeps are Loving our Medicinal Lip Balm

Canna Lip Therapy

The reviews are coming in on our Canna Lip Therapy Lip Balm … and they are awesome!!! 🙂

I have been a user of many different brands of lip balms over the years… Some extremely high priced designer names and have never EVER found a lip balm that I like better than this. Canna Lip Therapy is an unbelievably amazing product. Sold for Life!  MB Vernon BC

“I have been using this product for a few weeks and just love it. I was a die hard Burt’s bees user, but this stuff is sooooo much better! Nice to know it has the Canna oil good stuff in it and it is long lasting I use it daily.” R.G.

“Great product! I have been using this on a cold sore that popped up over the holidays and it really speeded up the healing” TC

“Great for zits! I bought this for myself but my son has been using it for spot treating his breakouts now going to order another one for myself!”

“I get really bad chapped lipped lips from the dry mouth I get from taking Dicyclomine for IBS ,  canna balm helps so much! Thank you for your great product love the peppermint ” Emmy

For more info on our Canna Lip Therapy click here




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