
Topical Application of Cannabis for Health & Healing <3

 Our skin is actually our largest organ and when cannabis is used on the skin as a topical, such as a  rub, cream, or balm,  the healing effect of cannabis can be localized to the area of application. This makes it great for relieving pain and inflammation. With this method it can also be used as a treatment for skin cancer, psoriasis, eczema and other skin conditions.

Another key difference between topical application and other methods of administration such as smoking, vaping or consuming edibles, is that topicals do not produce any psychoactive effects.

Watch Peter’s short video below, where he demonstrates how to use the healing power of Cannabis topically

From Peter…

MY daily rub down to flood MY body with THC and CBDs. The wonderful  effects of healing from the Cannabis Plant☺#thenaturalremedy#thesacredplant

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