Appetite Loss, Nausea/Vomiting, Anemia

Cannabis Aids Cancer Patients on Chemo

A growing number of cancer patients and oncologists view Medicinal Cannabis  as a viable alternative for managing chemotherapy’s side effects, as well as many of the physical and emotional health consequences of cancer.  Many of the patients who can gain access to medicinal cannabis report that it works to relieve the potential side effects from the chemo treatment such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. In addition to successfully alleviating nausea and vomiting and stimulating appetite, cannabis is also effective in helping cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to deal with pain and diarrhea. But probably more important is how it can effectively treat anxiety and depression in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Patients with Cancer and those taking chemotherapy treatments  should seriously consider discussing  the benefits of using medicinal cannabis with their Health Care Professional to dramatically improve their quality of life!

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