
Bunnies are Fur Babies too! Awesome Canna Pal Testimonial!

Sharing this awesome testimonial sent in from a customer who treated her fur baby bunny with Canna Pal

“My bunny is doing amazing. He was neutered a week ago Thursday @7 years old. He had a large tumor on his testicle that grew very fast. Since neutering was quick and easy I wanted to get rid of that tumor. This was not a normal neuter as that tumor grew so fast it was the size of an oval egg, that fit in the palm of your hand. I was warned it could take a few weeks for swelling to come down. The body fills the empty void with fluid. I was concerned because I knew the swelling would be severe due to the empty void left by the tumor in the sack. Pain meds are given by injection, but they worry about long term use in a rabbits especially an old rabbit. I started him on CBD Canna Pal oil just a few drops 2x daily. I fill just the skinny tip of the dropper. His swelling went down fast over 3-4 days. His appetite was ok after surgery just low. It came back 110% in 24 hours. It is very dangerous for a bunny not to eat.

At 1 week it looks amazing!! And after 48 hours his discomfort and bruising was all gone.Rabbits can be difficult to medicate with pain meds. Today 11 days  later absolutely amazing, and he was back to himself in 48 hours! The color and inflammation in the skin is amazing and the bruising went away so fast.” Janine P

First image is morning after surgery. Second image is 7 days after surgery. Third image is 11 days after surgery.


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